I haven't really gotten "plugged into" a church yet, mainly because I don't feel like I will ever be plugged in since I don't have a car, but I really like Beltway. This morning I went to Beltway with a group of girls and it blessed me so much! Every time I go to Beltway, I feel like the Lord speaks to me in a deeper way. The worship at Beltway is AMAZING! Coming from a family that has such an appreciation for woship, it is something that is very important to me in a church. Every time I go to Beltway, I can't help but cry...not just cry, but sometimes sob. At first, I thought it was because I was homesick and the way the worship minister leads, reminds me so much of my Dad; but that's not the reason. The spirit of Christ moves so freely there and I can't help but weep. It's amazing!
I know that many of you guys followed the election and not all of you were happy with the results. I know that I wasn't. I voted Republican and I will probably always vote Republican. I will respect that Obama is our new President, but I don't agree with his stance on some moral issues and I have no fear in saying that. I respect those who disagree with me as long as we can agree to disagree :)
In saying that, the ACU paper, The Optimist, did something that bothers me a lot. The optimist cam out and endorsed Obama, somthing that the Dallas Morning News didn't even do. No good has come out of it, and we are already losing some prospective students due to their lack of judgement. If those individuals wanted to come out and support Obama, fine. But not in the school newspaper. I know that the newspaper doesn't technically reflect the school as a whole, but it does to an extent. What's done is done and I hope that the staff learns from their mistakes.
Well, I hope that everyone has a great week! I have some homework that I have to get done!
May the Lord bless you all!
I'm so sorry you have been struggling with lonliness! Wish I was closer. :)
I'm sorry to hear about the loneliness. I was SO lonely at the beginning of my freshman year. And even parts of the second semester. It is so hard to be away from home when you're close to your family. I suppose it didn't really get alot better until my sophomore year when I pledged. That's something I definitely encourage you to do. It was one of the best decsions I ever made at ACU. Also, keep it up with Beltway. Getting involved in a church is so important, which you know, of course. I'll be praying for you that things start going better!
Hang in there. The first year is the most overwhelming. Everyone is trying the find their place and feel each other out. I promise, it gets better.
To comfort you about the election, read something Rik Hedlund's wife wrote. I've posted it below. It made all the difference for me.
Call me when you are home for Thanksgiving and we will go dine out and grab coffee.
Miss you!
"Obama hasn't even been the president elect for 24 hours yet, and already christians around the world are mourning the death of a nation. I mean come on people. Chill out. Did God fall off His throne?????? I don't think so. Are we forgetting what was said in Romans 13:1-2?
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
God has allowed him to win this seat, and we should pray for and support him. I'm sick of all the "doom and gloom". Don't get me wrong, I didn't vote for him, and I am not defending his beliefs. but what about our beliefs, is our faith so tied to this nation, that we would say the world is over because the man we voted for wasn't elected. God is still in control. God has a plan. We should not hate Obama, or even bash him. We should not live in fear. So this man believes in things that are not Gods heart, God is still in control. Our country is in financial turmoil, God is still in control. So all the doom and gloom should stop. The hateful comments and snide remarks should stop. Instead fall to your knees. Pray. Pray for wisdom and strength for Obama, pray for peace. How will the lost be reached if we as christians are spewing hatred towards a leader that God allowed to win. Where is our faith, our courage, our hope? is it in Obama, or the stock market? The answer should be that it is in the Lord. He is bigger than this country, if it falls, He will still be in control. We will still be safe in His arms. For encouragement read Psalm 91.
And remember the scripture:
Proverbs 21: 1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
Trust in the Lord, because He does not make mistakes. Pray for our nation, Pray for our leaders, Pray for our unborn, and Pray for our troops. God did NOT fall off his throne last night."
by Sarah Leckie Hedlund
I love how you interpret your lonliness as an opportunity for God to stand in the gap. I think one of the reasons friendships don't come easy is because you are amazingly mature. You are also loyal and committed, and looking for relationships that have substance and sincerity. You are one in a million, and a treasured blessing. I know the Lord uses you mightily in the friendships He gives to you. Press on, friend, because we are here to love you and pray for you, even in the lonely days! :)
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